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Starbucks Ecommerce

This app is a Starbucks ecommerce app clone built for users to buy their favorite type of coffee and or deserts. I built this project from scratch with React, React-Redux, Firebase, Framer Motion and Material UI.

With this app I wanted to challenge myself to recreate an already existing web app it took a lot of time and deep research to implement. The next iteration is to move on to an SSR to further improve page speed, optimize user experience.





Project Purpose and Goal.

This project included 3 phases and iterations of the site. Phase 1 recreating the front-end UI structure and elements of the starbucks website. Phase 2 was much larger as it involved creating interactivity of the pages and utilizing redux and extending it to allow for user sign ups and sign ins.

Phase 3 was storing the data and processing it on a firebase server and allowing for the frontend to consume the data from the locally created API.

Stack and Explanation

Using CRA (Create React App) wasn't the clearest choice for this web app but at the time of creation was usable. A Static page generator such as NextJs or GatsbyJs would have produced a more optimized product. Redux was used to help persist user account state within the app and Firebase was used to automatically allow for sign in and sign up functionality. The icons were provided by Material UI


Problems and Though Process

Like most projects, I ran into a few bumps whilst implementing this app, one particular issue was ensuring code readability and ease of access for user.

After learning more and more about my issues within this app I have grown incredibly, and understood not only my perspective but others as well. I have made a bigger effort to ensure my code is more readable and reusable and utilized props and state in many places reducing repeated code.

Lessons Learned

I have learnt many things creating this app. As I wasn't very well accustomed to using Firebase or using React-Redux.